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Reclaim Your Time: AI Grading That Works

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Join 1,000+ educators saving time with GradeSage AI

  • Rapid Grading

    Grade papers in minutes, not hours, and spend more time on what matters.

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    Unbiased Evaluation

    Ensure fair and consistent grading for all students.

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    Seamless Integration

    Works seamlessly with your existing LMS platforms.

See GradeSage AI in Action

Experience how GradeSage AI can transform your grading process. Our AI assistant provides quick, consistent, and insightful evaluations for various types of assignments.

Short Answer: Biology


Explain the process of photosynthesis.

Student Answer:

Photosynthesis is how plants make food using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen.

AI Grading:

Score: 3/5

Feedback: Good basic explanation. Include the role of chlorophyll and mention that it occurs in chloroplasts for a more complete answer.

Coming soon: AI grading for oral presentations and video projects!

Essay: Literature


Analyze the theme of ambition in Macbeth.

Student Answer:

Macbeth's ambition leads him to commit murder and become king. His wife also shows ambition by encouraging him. This ambition ultimately leads to their downfall.

AI Grading:

Score: 3/5

Feedback: Strong main points. Consider exploring how ambition corrupts Macbeth's character and include specific examples from the play to support your analysis.

Coming soon: AI grading for oral presentations and video projects!

Presentation: Business


Present a SWOT analysis for a startup e-commerce company.

Student Answer:

Strengths: Innovative product, low overhead. Weaknesses: Limited budget, new brand. Opportunities: Growing online market, social media marketing. Threats: Established competitors, economic uncertainty.

AI Grading:

Score: 4/5

Feedback: Good overview of SWOT elements. To improve, provide brief explanations for each point and consider adding one more item per category for a more comprehensive analysis.

Coming soon: AI grading for oral presentations and video projects!

Revolutionize Your Screening Process

Lightning-Fast Screening

Screen hundreds of assignments in minutes, not hours. Save valuable time for more impactful teaching.


Unbiased Evaluation

Ensure fair and consistent screening across all students, eliminating human fatigue and subjectivity.


Detailed Feedback

Provide students with in-depth, personalized feedback to enhance their learning experience.


Multi-Format Support

Screen text, audio, and video submissions with equal ease and accuracy.


24/7 Availability

Our AI never sleeps, allowing students to receive instant feedback at any time.


Continuous Learning

Our AI evolves with each use, constantly improving its screening accuracy and feedback quality.




Try out our basic features.

  • Text Grading
  • Up to 10 submissions/month
  • Email support
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Perfect for basic grading needs.

  • Text Grading
  • Up to 300 submissions/month
  • Email support



Ideal for comprehensive grading solutions.

  • Text Grading
  • Audio Grading
  • Up to 1000 submissions/month
  • Priority support



Complete package for demanding educators.

  • Text Grading
  • Video Grading
  • Audio Grading
  • Unlimited submissions
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Advanced analytics

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